Linux simple h264 batch conversion

You’ll need HandBrakeCLI ( and a terminal.  To convert a video (the easiest way possible, thanks to HandBrake mind you, ffmpeg was giving me a lot of issues) is really simple, but depending on your machine, the quality, the size, etc. it can take a good bit of resources and a good bit of time to complete one of these encodings.  If you’re not keen to sitting around watching progress counters and ETAs there will surely be down time between encoding tasks as you’ll have to manually keep an eye on them.  Using some common *nix tools we can make this automated and easy to use.

Basic HandBrakeCLI encoding:

HandBrakeCLI -Z Universal -i infile.avi -o outfile.mp4

The above will take a standard avi format video and convert it to an h264 format video, simple.

Batch Conversion:

ls *.avi | awk '{print "HandBrakeCLI -Z Universal -i \x22"$0"\x22 -o \x22"$0".mp4\x22"}' | sh

The above will (assuming you’re in a directory with several .avi files) will go over each file, build the appropriate conversion command for HandBrakeCLI and then pipe that into sh to execute the command.  I’ve been doing mass conversions for web streaming purposes using this technique, so far I’ve converted over 600 individual videos and still going strong.